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Adventurous Norway, a photgraphy paradise

What Norway has to offer? A better question is what Norway doesn’t has to offer. Behind every corner there’s something new to tickle your senses. You’ll never get bored!

This is the country that made me decide to start organizing photography tours. This is where I mapped out my first routes, off the beaten track, to show both the amazing and famous locations of the country. Norway has so much to offer, it would be a shame to only focus on the well-known Lofoten or Spitsbergen.

Norway also gave me some challenges. My girlfriend often jokes that, when I have my camera with me, the camera is my first love and she is the second. Obviously that’s not true, but try explaining! Anyway…After a shot along a fast flowing glacier river, my camera unfortunately but inevitably fell in the water. Was this the end? I didn’t think so. Or according to my girlfriend, I didn’t think at all while she had to watch me jump in the river to save my camera. I got overwhelmed by the current and the cold water, but after a third try I got it! My luck was that it got stuck underneath a rock. My bad luck; the camera died, but luckily the memory card didn’t. Yes, I still had the photos! Kino Linders shipped me a camera to lend, what a great service! Muchas gracias! Let it be clear, that this isn’t something to try at home…

Grateful to be on our way again, because my God, it was one spectacle after another. Rough, wild, open space, calm, enchanting, challenging and adventurous; Norway gets to you. It’s amazing to meet the Norwegians while hiking through nature. The mountains are their gym and they thankfully use it. It’s a joy to see how they are one with nature, like seasoned mountain goats they pass you by, greeting you with a smile. They allow you to go wherever you like, as long as you stay away from one’s property at least 150 meters and clean up after yourself.

It’s amazing to wake up in this gorgeous piece of nature, that’s the true Norwegian experience. The sight of delightful landscapes, the smell of moist grass, the crystal clear river water…how beautiful can a day start?

National parks Southern Norway

Het zuidelijke deel is rijk aan nationale parken waarbij menig record sneuvelt. Wist je dat de grootste gletsjer van Europa zich bevindt in het Jostedalsbreen National Park? Dat Trollveggen Europa’s hoogste verticale bergformatie is? De hoogste bergen van Noorwegen zich in Jotumheimen bevinden, met toppen van 2469 en 2464 meter? Ook UNESCO is goed vertegenwoordigd. De kleurrijke huisjes van Bryggen in Bergen en het tot mooiste fjord bekroonde Geirangerfjord, zijn gesetteld in zuidelijk Noorwegen. ’s Werelds mooiste route, de Atlantische route loopt dwars door de oceaan en is middels 8 bruggen op magische wijze aan elkaar verbonden. Pulpit rock, ook bekend als Preikestolen is een natuurwonder dat je zelf moet aanschouwen. Evenals de pracht van het Rondane National Park waar je rust en ruimte ervaart in verstrekkende landschappen waar je slechts een enkele Noor tegen het lijf loopt.

It’s obvious; I’m a huge fan of this gorgeous country that is advanced in many ways. A country to lead by example!

Have you become enthusiastic and do you want to see it with your own eyes? That's possible!

Check here the photography trip in Rondane, Norway's oldest national park. An experience not to forget, guaranteed. I would like to take you to unique locations that do justice to the park. Check here to see the gallery with photos from Rondane.

Travelmarks photography.. your experience!

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