Travelmarks-photography... More than photography trips!

More than photography trips

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Nice to meet you!

I gladly introduce myself, after all it’s nice to get an impression of the person behind Travelmarks-Photography too. I’m Mark, welcome! Born and raised in 1980, in the picturesque town, called Tegelen. My roots lie in burgundy Limburg.

I live a happy life and enjoy the little things, spending time with friends, walking through nature with our dogs, camping on the most beautiful destinations.

I gladly introduce myself, after all it’s nice to get an impression of me too. I’m Mark, welcome! Born and raised in 1980, in the picturesque town, called Tegelen. My roots lie in burgundy Limburg.

Ik ben gelukkig in het leven en geniet van de kleine dingen, samenzijn met vrienden, een wandeling door de natuur, een cultureel bezoek en zeker ook de culinaire keuken met een goed glas wijn.

World traveler in heart and soul

Travelling the world holds a special place in my life. I remember that when I was just a young boy, I set at my grandma’s table and told her I was going to travel the world. The passion was already there, but life put a temporary hold on it; A life changing event in 2014 changed everything. It brought me new insights that I’m truly grateful for. The result was easy; I sold my house and left a good job. I went out into the world and photographing the world as I met it. I can write a book about it… Grateful for everything I’ve experienced, I can now say that I’m doing what I love most. The best part is to share it, our world has so many treasures, I’m happy to introduce you to some of these treasures!

Chemistry with photography

About fiftheen years ago I got infected with the photography virus. Started like everyone else, with a basic camera, simple lenses and just go. A professional training, a bulging closet and many years of experience later, photography seems so easy. When you feel the chemistry with photography, you can also feel the chemistry you can capture with photography. I always get a real boost from it, every photo gives me a lot of satisfaction. Sometimes it takes a lot of planning, or maybe it’s a spontaneous moment, but it’s always unique. It drives me as a photographer to capture that unique something.

Besides photography I love to explore. When tourism stops, I begin. The result is so many special encounters in so many ways. You’re more than welcome to come along and experience it yourself!


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