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Suprising and photogenic Ireland!

Ever knew that Ireland is a great photography country? Besides Burgundian hospitality and Guiness, it has a lot to offer.

We all know Dublin and Belfast, Irish sociability at its best! Rich of history and beautiful cathedrals to photograph, inside and outside. I can assure you, it’s a treat for every photographer, they are amazing! Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin’s oldest building and Saint Patrick Patrick’s Cathedral are Irelands calling cards. The photography part starts as soon as the sun sets and the magic of the night shows itself. The only challenge you’re faced with is; which choice are you going to make? There are so much compositions possible. Great, this is a problem we love! Once done for the night, you can indulge in one of the pubs with live music, every day of the week. Can you think of something better?  
Zodra de zon onder is en de magie van de avond zijn intrede doet wordt het helemaal een feest. Zowel Dublin als Belfast lenen zich uitstekend voor avondfotografie. Enige uitdaging die je voorgeschoteld krijgt, welke keuze ga je maken? Composities te over, dat is mooi, want luxeproblemen zijn altijd welkom!
Eenmaal verzadigd omarmt de Ierse gezelligheid je in één van de vele pubs die allemaal livemuziek aanbieden, iedere dag van de week. Hoe gezellig wil je het hebben?!

What about Irish landscapes and rough coast lines? Another treat! Luscious green covers the rolling hills in spring and compensates the roughness of the coast. A harmony that seamlessly connects. Ireland harbors a rough landscape that welcomes you. Awesome, because you want to feel at home in the environment to capture the most sparkling photos!

Do you know the famous series Game of Thrones? Did you know a big part of the show is filmed in Ireland? And even better; did you know you can visit this without being trampled by other tourists?
You can, and there are some gems. It’s obvious why the filmed Game of Thrones here! My favorite is Dark Hedges, in the series called Kingsroad. This lane with 200 year old beech trees is completely desolate, and yes, that impresses! You want to be here to see for yourself. The light has free range, which enhances the photogenicity!

Colorful in many ways, delightful rough and warmingly inviting. There’s so much more to tell about Ireland, but it’s better to go and see. I gladly show you unique locations that guarantee successful photos. With a good mood from the Irish hospitality and a memory card filled with amazing photos we head home. Yesss, another experience richer!

Check here the photography trip Ireland & Northern Ireland and check here to see the gallery 

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