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May 2021


Photography trip to Kenya

Kenia, a country with numerous national parks and colorful wildlife. One of eastern Arica’s most dynamic destinations. Today we present our extended trip to Kenya. In a couple of months, we are going to be free to travel and gather exciting memories. Kenia as a destination might be one of the first ones to go overseas. 

Kenia photography trip 

As you may know, we already are offering a photography trip to Kenya. The richness of nature and wildlife is one of the treasures Kenya is offering. We are going to explore the culture, way of lifestyle and return home with the most incredible photographs. The culture behind Masai people is once in a lifetime to witness. We are having a private session with the so-called ‘Masai warriors’, where you can capture the beauty of this incredible culture. They are not used to communicate much with the outside world, and they prefer to stay away from tourists. Despite this fact, we have established genuine connections within the local culture so we can have this opportunity. 

On the other hand, the national parks in Kenya have been a great attraction for people all over the world. They show so much of the nature and wildlife of the country than anywhere else. It is always great when we can watch wild animals in their habitat, like hunting lions or tall giraffes walking around. A challenge when it comes to photographing them. It would take some time and patience for the perfect photo shot, but it is worth it. 

Kenya trip will be extended

Announcing great news, the trip to Kenya will be extended and filled with incredible experiences. We just cannot take enough from this amazing place. This country has so much to offer and explore so we will provide more days at the different locations. We will be able to focus in-depth on the Masai culture and the indigenous people around Kenya. Watching the traditions in action and the different lifestyles always brings powerful emotions. In this way, on the other hand, we will have more time for what we love, photography. 

As we know, the perfect shot may take some time, the light, the composition, or something else. We can take our time and take the best shots from different angles. The opportunity to go to more photography locations and shot different subjects, from stunning landscapes to wild animals. Besides, we can spend more time with the local people and getting to know this diverse part of the world.

Is a photography trip also on your bucket list? Then check out the package of photo trips and tours. Or read about the different destinations in one of the blog.Would you rather photograph in the Netherlands? That is also possible! Feel free to check out the various photography workshops.